- Sillicon
- Polycrystalline thin films
- Multijunction materials and devices
- New materials devices and processes
- Performance and validation of quality
- Testing and validation
Concentrated Solar Power
- R&D on Collectors
- Technology options and choices for Receivers
- Issues on Power blocks
- Issues on Thermal energy storage
- Viability Analysis of CSP in the current context
- Economically viable stand alone system based on LCPV and Solar Water Heating Technology.
Off-grid and Distributed solar
- Evaluation of exact power requirement for site specific application.
- Better communication between generation and supply.
- Possible integration to mini-grid.
- Effective design of the panel/module for maximum power out-put.
- Design of suitable economically viable battery system.
Field level data validation
- Monitoring Insolation data and validation
- Influence of Albedo on the overall efficiency and performance
- Effect on module cleaning process on the plant performance
- Effect of submicron particle interaction with the module surface and its impact on the long term performance of the plant.
R&D on Electricals and Electronics
- Evacuation and transmission related issues: Voltage Fluctuation and Harmonics.
- Investigation of components of the balance of systems like Junction Box, Inverter, Storage Device and Power cable.
- Studies on Smart Grid systems